"Without art, the crudeness of reality would make the world unbearable." George Bernard Shaw

Alphabetical Listing by Artist
ArtistDescriptionCat. Nos.
Albers, Josef (1888-1976) Albers worked in several disciplines, including photography, typography, murals and printmaking. He is best known for his work as an abstract painter and a theorist. His book Interaction of Color was published in 1963. --Wikipedia #1833, 15¢ "Homage to the Square: Glow"
Asawa, Ruth Aiko (1926-2013) American modernist sculptor and lithographer. #5513a, Ruth Asawa Block of 10 different artworks (#5504-13)
Audubon, John James (1785-1851)   Artist & Conservationist #1241, Columbia Jays
#3236e, "Long-billed Curlew", 1834
Bearden, Romare (1911-1988) African-American artist, author, and songwriter. He worked with many types of media including cartoons, oils, and collages. #4569a, (FOREVER/44¢) "Conjunction"; "Odysseus: Poseidon, The Sea God - Enemy of Odysseus", "Prevalence of Ritual: Conjur Woman", "Falling Star". Strip of 4
Bellows, George (1888-1925) an American realist painter, known for his bold depictions of urban life in New York City. He became, according to the Columbus Museum of Art, "the most acclaimed American artist of his generation". #3182h, Stag at Sharkey's, (1907)
Benton, Thomas Hart (1889-1975) One of the leading artists of the American "regionalist" movement that flourished in the 1930s #1426, 8¢ "Independence and the Opening of the West"
Bierstadt, Albert (1811-1979) A painter best known for his lavish, sweeping landscapes of the American West. His style was based on that used by the Hudson River School. A style based on carefully detailed paintings with romantic, almost glowing lighting, sometimes called luminism. #3236m, "The Last of the Buffalo"
Bingham, George Caleb (1811-1879) an American artist, soldier and politician known in his lifetime as "the Missouri Artist". Bingham's political interests are reflected in his vivid paintings of frontier political life. #3236f, "Boatmen on the Missouri"
Borduas, Paul-Émile (1905-1960) a Québecois artist known for his abstract paintings. He was the leader of the avant-garde Automatiste movement and the chief author of the Refus Global manifesto of 1948. Borduas had a profound impact on the development of the arts and of thought, both in the province of Quebec and in Canada. -- Wikipedia CANADA  #889, 35¢ "Untitled No. 6"
Calder, Alexander (1898-1976) American sculptor known both for his innovative mobiles (kinetic sculptures), his static "stabiles", and his monumental public sculptures. #3202a   32¢ strip of 5.
Black Cascade, 13 Verticals; Untitled, 1965; Rearing Stallion, 1928; Portrait of a Young Man; Un Effet du Japonais
Cassatt, Mary (1844-1926) "Living and working alone much of her life as an expatriate in France, Cassatt became known for her tender images of women and children. Cassatt was the only American to be formally accepted into French Impressionist circles." -- USPS #1322, "The Boating Party", 1893
3236o, "Breakfast in Bed", 1897
3807a, Young Mother, 1888; Children Playing on the Beach, 1884; On a Balcony, 1879; Child in a Straw Hat, c.1886
Catlin, George (1796-1872) American adventurer, lawyer, painter, and author, who specialized in portraits of Native Americans in the Old West. In 1823, he studied art in Philadelphia and became known for his work as a portraitist. After a meeting with a tribal delegation of Indians from the western frontier, Catlin became eager to preserve a record of Native American customs and individuals. -- Wikipedia #3236k, 32¢ "White Cloud, Head Chief of the Iowas", 1840s
Church, Frederic Edwin (1826-1900) American landscape painter. He was a central figure in the Hudson River School of American landscape painters, best known for painting large landscapes, often depicting mountains, waterfalls, and sunsets. Church's paintings put an emphasis on realistic detail, dramatic light, and panoramic views. He debuted some of his major works in single-painting exhibitions to a paying and often enthralled audience in New York City. In his prime, he was one of the most famous painters in the United States.-- Wikipedia #3236n, "Niagara"
Copley, John Singleton (1738-1815) an Anglo-American painter, active in both colonial America and England. After becoming well-established as a portrait painter of the wealthy in colonial New England, he moved to London in 1774, never returning to America. Copley has been called the greatest and most influential painter in colonial America, producing about 350 works of art. With his startling likenesses of persons and things, he came to define a realist art tradition in America. #1273, 5¢ from "The Copley Family"
#1701, Nativity
Currier, Nathaniel (1813-1888) an American lithographer, he headed the company Currier & Ives with James Ives. #1702, 13¢ "Winter Pastime"
Davis, (Edward) Stuart (1892-1964) was an early American modernist painter. He was well known for his jazz-influenced, proto-pop art paintings of the 1940s and 1950s, bold, brash, and colorful, as well as his Ashcan School pictures in the early years of the 20th century. With the belief that his work could influence the sociopolitical environment of America, Davis' political message was apparent in all of his pieces from the most abstract to the clearest. #1259, 5¢ "Detail Study for Cliche"
Durand, Asher Brown (1796-1886) American painter. He spent summers sketching in the Catskills, Adirondacks, and the White Mountains of New Hampshire, making hundreds of drawings and oil sketches that were later incorporated into finished academy pieces which helped to define the Hudson River School. #3236g, "Kindred Spirits"
Eakins, Thomas Cowperthwait (1844-1916) #1335, 5¢ "The Biglin Brothers Racing"
AVAILABILITY/PRICING       Artists "A" - "E"

ArtistDescriptionCat. Nos.
Fildes,  Sir Samuel Luke (1843-1927) British painter and illustrator. Fildes' illustrations were in the black-and-white style popular in France and Germany during the era. He worked in a social realist style and focused on images depicting the destitute of London. #949, 3¢ "The Doctor"
Flagg,  James Montgomery (1877-1960), Portrait painter and illustrator. Flagg used himself as a model for Uncle Sam. #3183i, 32¢ "I Want You", U.S. Army poster for World War I
Fortin,  Marc-Aurele (1888-1970) He studied in Montreal and at the Art Institute of Chicago. It was in 1920, after a short trip to England and France, that he began to seriously paint and exhibit his works. He was known for painting landscapes of the St. Lawrence Valley, which he travelled around by bicycle. CANADA #887, "À la Baie Saint-Paul"
Foster,  John (1648-1681) an early American engraver and printer who lived in Boston in the Massachusetts Bay Colony when the colony was still in its infancy. He is credited with producing the first printed image in British colonial America, from a woodcut engraving[a] of the Puritan minister Richard Mather. He also printed the first map to appear in the colonies. Foster graduated from Harvard University, but was a self-taught pioneer in American printmaking in woodcut, and also learned the art of typography from the Boston printer Marmaduke Johnson. He subsequently printed many works by prominent religious figures of the day in Massachusetts, and for a few years printed and published an annual almanac. His woodcut engravings were also used for the printing of official seals of the Massachusetts Bay Colony used by the provincial government. #3236a, "Portrait of Richard Mather"
Gibson,  Charles Dana (1844-1916) an American illustrator. He was best known for his creation of the Gibson Girl, an iconic representation of the beautiful and independent Euro-American woman at the turn of the 20th century. He published his illustrations in Life magazine and other major national publications for more than 30 years, becoming editor in 1918 and later owner of the magazine. He was considered "the most celebrated pen-and-ink artist of his time as well as a painter applauded by critics of his later work". #3182m, 32¢ "Gibson Girl"
Harnett,  William Michael (1848-1892) American painter known for his trompe-l'œil still lifes of ordinary objects. #1386   Old Models
#3236i   Music and Literature
Homer,  Winslow (1836-1910) American landscape painter and illustrator. He is considered one of the foremost painters in 19th-century America and a preeminent figure in American art. Homer's career as an illustrator lasted nearly twenty years. He subsequently took up oil painting and produced major studio works. Homer never taught in a school or privately, but his works strongly influenced succeeding generations of American painters. #1207, "Breezing Up (A Fair Wind)"
#3236j, The Fog Warning
Hopper,  Edward (1882-1967) American realist painter and printmaker. Widely known for his oil paintings, he was equally proficient as a watercolorist and printmaker in etching. #1391, The Lighthouse at Two Lights, Maine
#3184n, Automat
#3236p, Nighthawks
#4558, "The Long Leg"
#5456, "Sea at Ogunquit"
Johnson,  Joshua (c.1763-c.1824) American painter from the Baltimore area of African and European ancestry. Johnson is known for his naïve paintings of prominent Maryland residents. #3236h, The Westwood Children
Kelly,  Ellsworth (1923-2015) American painter, sculptor, and printmaker associated with hard-edge painting, Color Field painting and minimalism. His works demonstrate unassuming techniques emphasizing line, color and form. #5382-91, Block of 10 different artworks
Kline,  Franz (1910-1962) #3236s, Mahoning
Lemieux,  Jean Paul (1904-90) One of the foremost twentieth century painters (and sculptor) in Canada who produced several different styles over five distinct artistic periods. #2067, Self-Portrait
Lichtenstein,  Roy Fox (1923-1997) an American pop artist. During the 1960s, along with Andy Warhol, Jasper Johns, and James Rosenquist, he became a leading figure in the new art movement. His work defined the premise of pop art through parody. Inspired by the comic strip, Lichtenstein produced precise compositions that documented while they parodied, often in a tongue-in-cheek manner. His work was influenced by popular advertising and the comic book style. His artwork was considered to be "disruptive". --Wikipedia #5796b, h. Strip of 5 different artworks
Limner,  The Freak (17th c.) The unidentified artist who painted "John Freake", and "Elizabeth Clarke Freake and Baby Mary" in the early 1670s was trained in the Elizabethan English style. The artist called the Freake Painter was alternately described in the twentieth century as an untrained artist, a Dutch itinerant from New York, and even an artist working in the French style. Approximately ten surviving portraits dating between 1670 and 1674 are attributed to this painter, and all depict people who lived in Boston. #3236b, "Mrs. Elizabeth Freake and Baby Mary"
AVAILABILITY/PRICING       Artists "F" - "L"

ArtistDescriptionCat. Nos.
Moran,  Thomas (1837-1926) American painter and printmaker of the Hudson River School in New York whose work often featured the Rocky Mountains. He was a younger brother of the noted marine artist Edward Moran, with whom he shared a studio. Chief illustrator for the magazine Scribner's Monthly (late 1860s), a position that helped launch his career as one of the premier painters of American landscape, in particular, the American West. #3236l, Cliffs of Green River
Morrison,  George (1919-2000) an Ojibwe abstract painter and sculptor from Minnesota. His Ojibwe name was Wah Wah Teh Go Nay Ga Bo (Standing In the Northern Lights). Morrison's work is associated with the Abstract Expressionist movement. Morrison acknowledged a variety of influences in his art, including cubism, surrealism, and abstract expressionism. #5692a, Sun and River (1949); Phenomena Against the Crimson: Lake Superior Landscape (1985); Lake Superior Landscape (1981); Spirit Path, New Day, Red Rock Variation: Lake Superior Landscape (1990); and Untitled (1995).
Moses,  Anna Mary Robertson (1860-1961), "Grandma" Moses was an American folk artist. She began painting in earnest at the age of 78 and is a prominent example of a newly successful art career at an advanced age. Moses gained popularity during the 1950s, having been featured on a cover of Time Magazine in 1953, and was a subject of numerous television programs. #1370, July Fourth
Nevelson,  Louise (1899-1988) born Leah Berliawsky, a Ukrainian-American sculptor known for her monumental, monochromatic, wooden wall pieces and outdoor sculptures. #3379-83, Strip of 5   Silent Music I; Royal Tide I; Black Chord; Nightsphere-Light; Dawn's Wedding Chapel I (bottom margin strip)
O'Keeffe, Georgia (1887-1986) American modernist artist. She was known for her paintings of enlarged flowers, New York skyscrapers, and New Mexico landscapes. O'Keeffe has been called the "Mother of American modernism". #3069, "Red Poppy"
#4748e, "Black Mesa Landscape"
Peale, Charles Willson (1741-1827) American painter, American patriot, scientist, inventor, politician, and naturalist. In 1775, inspired by the American Revolution, Peale moved from his native Maryland to Philadelphia, where he set up a painting studio and joined Sons of Liberty, the Pennsylvania militia, and ultimately the Continental Army under the command of General George Washington, where he participated in active combat against the British Army during the American Revolutionary War. In 1801, Peale founded what today is the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts in Philadelphia, one of the first American museums. #1064, self-portrait
#1704, "Washington at Princeton 1777"
#1789, "John Paul Jones"
Peale, Rembrandt (1778-1860) American artist and museum keeper. A prolific portrait painter, he was especially acclaimed for his likenesses of presidents George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Son of Charles Willson Peale. #3236d, Rubens Peale with a Geranium
Phillips, Ammi (1788-1865) prolific American itinerant portrait painter active from the mid 1810s to the early 1860s in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New York. His artwork is identified as folk art, primitive art, provincial art, and itinerant art without consensus among scholars, pointing to the enigmatic nature of his work and life. He is attributed to over eight hundred paintings, although only eleven are signed. #3236c, Girl in Red Dress with Cat and Dog
Remington, Frederic Sackrider (1861-1909) American painter, illustrator, sculptor, and writer who specialized in the genre of Western American Art. His works are known for depicting the Western United States in the last quarter of the 19th century and featuring such images as cowboys, American Indians, and the US Cavalry. #1187, Smoke Signals
#1934, Off the Range (Coming Through the Rye)
Rockwell, Norman Percevel (1894-1978) American painter and illustrator. His works have a broad popular appeal in the United States for their reflection of the country's culture. Rockwell is most famous for the cover illustrations of everyday life he created for The Saturday Evening Post magazine over nearly five decades. #2839, "Triple Self-Portrait"
#2840   50¢ sheet of 4, Four Freedoms, oil, 1943;
"Freedom from Want"   "F. from Fear"   "F. of Worship"   "F. of Speech".   on S/S is "Triple Self-Portrait"
Rothko, Mark (1903-1970) Latvian-born American abstract painter. He is best known for his color field paintings that depicted irregular and painterly rectangular regions of color. Although Rothko did not personally subscribe to any one school, he is associated with the American Abstract Expressionist movement of modern art. #3236t, No. 12
Russell, Charles Marion (1864-1926) also known as C. M. Russell, Charlie Russell, and "Kid" Russell. He was an American artist of the Am. Old West. He created more than 2,000 paintings of cowboys, Native Americans, and landscapes set in the western United States and in Alberta, Canada, in addition to bronze sculptures. He is known as "the cowboy artist" and was also a storyteller and author. #1243, "Jerked Down"
#2401, "C.M. Russell and Friends"
AVAILABILITY/PRICING       Artists "M" - "R"

ArtistDescriptionCat. Nos.
Sheeler, Charles Rettew, Jr (1883-1965) an American artist known for his Precisionist paintings and commercial photography. Recognized as one of the early adopters of modernism in American art. #3236r, Two Against the White
Sloan, John French (1871-1951) American painter and etcher. He is considered to be one of the founders of the Ashcan school of American art. Click here for more info on Sloan. #1433, The Wake of the Ferry
Tanner, Henry Ossawa (1859-1937) American artist who spent much of his career in France. He became the first African-American painter to gain international acclaim. While none of Tanner's works have yet made it onto US postage stamps, a stamp was issued to honor Tanner in 1973. #1486, Henry O. Tanner
Trumbull, John (1756-1843) American artist of the early independence period, notable for his historical paintings of the American Revolutionary War, of which he was a veteran. He has been called the "Painter of the Revolution". #1361 6¢ The Death of General Warren at the Battle of Bunker's Hill
#1564 The Death of General Warren at the Battle of Bunker's Hill
#1686 13¢ Surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown (S/S)
#1687, 18¢ Declaration of Independence (S/S)
#1691-4, The Declaration of Independence (strip of 4)
#1728, Surrender of Burgoyne
Varley, Frederick H. CANADA #888, "Self Portrait"
Wood, Grant (1891-1942) Wood was an active painter from an extremely young age until his death, and although he is best known for his paintings, he worked in a large number of media, including lithography, ink, charcoal, ceramics, metal, wood and found objects. Wood is associated with the American movement of Regionalism, which was primarily situated in the Midwest, and advanced figurative painting of rural American themes in an aggressive rejection of European abstraction. #3236q, American Gothic
Yohn, Frederick Coffay (1875-1933) often recognized only by his initials, F. C. Yohn, was an American artist and magazine illustrator. #1722, Herkimer at Oriskany 1777
AVAILABILITY/PRICING       Artists "S" - "Y"

ART - Miscellaneous
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Am. Indian Pueblo Indian Art - Pottery #1706-09, 13¢ Pueblo Indian Art - Pottery
Photography Photography, technology #1758, Photography, antique camera & parts
Americana Folk Art - Pennsylvania Toleware #1775-78, 15¢ Folk Art - Pennsylvania Toleware
Am. Indian Pacific NW Indian Art - Masks #1837a, 15¢ Pacific NW Indian Art - Masks
Modern Skateboard Art #5766a, FOREVER h. Strip of 4
AVAILABILITY/PRICING       "Americana/Photography/Misc"

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