"Without art, the crudeness of reality would make the world unbearable." George Bernard Shaw


Miscellaneous – Unknown Artists, Americana, Social Art, Photography, etc.

VF (or better), Mint, Never Hinged

Catalog#Americana TopicPrice
#1709a 13¢ Pueblo Indian Art - Pottery, block 1.00
#1758 15¢ Photography, antique camera & parts 0.25
#1778a 15¢ Folk Art - Pennsylvania Toleware, block 1.00
#1837a 15¢ Pacific Northwest Indian Art - Masks, block 1.60
#5766a (forever) Skateboard Art, h. Strip of 4 3.10

topic: ART   artists master list

Availability/Pricing: Albers - Eakens

Availability/Pricing: Fildes - Kelly

Availability/Pricing: Moran - Russel

Availability/Pricing: Sheeler - Wood

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    Last Updated: 06/25/23