"Without art, the crudeness of reality would make the world unbearable." George Bernard Shaw


J. Albers – T. Eakens
VF (or better), Mint, Never Hinged

Josef Albers #1833, "Homage to the Square: Glow" 0.30
Ruth Asawa (1923-2015) #5513a, Ruth Asawa, Block of 10, issued 2020 Sold
John James Audubon #1241, 5¢ Columbia Jays 0.15
#3236e, 32¢ "Long-billed Curlew", 1834 2.00
Romare Bearden #4569a, (FOREVER/44¢) Strip of 4 3.10
George Bellows #3182h, 32¢ "Stag at Sharkey's" (1907) 0.50
Thomas Hart Benton #1426, "Independence and the Opening of the West" 0.22
Bierstadt, Albert #3236m, 32¢ "The Last of the Buffalo" 2.00
Bingham, George Caleb #3236f, 32¢ "Boatmen on the Missouri" 1.00
Paul-Emile Borduas CANADA   #889, 35¢ "Untitled No. 6" 0.50
Alexander Calder #3202a, Strip of 5.
Black Cascade, 13 Verticals; Untitled, 1965; Rearing Stallion, 1928; Portrait of a Young Man; Un Effet du Japonais
Mary Cassatt #1322, 5¢ "The Boating Party", 1893 0.15
3236o, 32¢ "Breakfast in Bed", 1897 1.00
3807a, 37¢ Young Mother, 1888; Children Playing on the Beach, 1884; On a Balcony, 1879; Child in a Straw Hat, c.1886 3.70
George Catlin #3236k, "White Cloud, Head Chief of the Iowas", 1840s 2.00
Church, Frederic Edwin #3236n, 32¢ "Niagara" 1.25
John Singleton Copley #1273, 5¢ from "The Copley Family" 0.15
#1701, 13¢ Nativity 0.22
Currier, Nathaniel #1702, 13¢ "Winter Pastime" 0.23
Davis, Stuart #1259, 5¢ "Detail Study for Cliche" 0.15
Durand, Asher B. #3236g, 32¢ "Kindred Spirits" 0.75
Thomas Cowperthwait Eakins #1335, 5¢ "The Biglin Bros. Racing" 0.18

topic: ART   artists master list

Availability/Pricing: Fildes - Kelly

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    Last updated: 06/25/23