used US

Used Stamps

The weight of the cancel is given as light, medium, or heavy (or somewhere in between).

Stamps have NO damage unless noted.

    Some self-adhesive stamps cannot easily be removed by soaking in warm water.
These stamps are only sold on paper and marked with this symbol

    In order to promote stamp collecting, we donate stamps and philatelic supplies to various youth groups, public schools, and children's hospitals each year. 50% of the sale price of foreign stamps and 100% of the sale price of Used US stamps marked with the diamond symbol goes toward purchasing philatelic supplies for our annual donations.

This page Last updated 01-01-25

063210¢ G. Washington, SINGLE, v/light, black cancelVF155.00
073612¢ G. Washington, SINGLE, v/light, red cancelF80.00
 2301¢ Columbus, BLOCK, light cancel, "SAN JUAN P.R. NOV 25 1937" (some perf separations between stamps 1 & 3, image is of actual item)F1.00
  2952¢ Locomotive, Block of 4, light duplex cancel, few perf seps reinforced with hingeAvg/F1.00
 3292¢ Jamestown, BLOCK, heavy cancel (HR reinforcing perf separations, image is of actual item)Good+3.00
 3971¢ Balboa, light cancel (discoloration to the tips of a few perforations; a very nice 'filler')F (barely)0.20
 3971¢ Balboa, BLOCK, medium (1 stamp)/heavy (3 stamps) double-oval cancelsF1.00
  5481¢ Mayflower, Block of 4, very light cancelGood/Avg1.00
 5492¢ Landing of the Pilgrims, BLOCK, med (duplex) cancel "1921", image is of actual itemVF-XF6.00
 6152¢ Huguenot-Walloon, BLOCK, med/heavy cancel, image is of actual itemVF-XF12.50
 6171¢ Lexington-Concord, BLOCK, very light cancel & remarkably well-centered, image is of actual itemXF15.00
 6195¢ Lexington-Concord 'Minute Man', SINGLE, light cancelVF6.50
 6202¢ Sloop, BLOCK, lt/med cancel, image is of actual itemF5.00
  6512¢ George Rogers Clark, Block of 4, very light cancelF1.00
 69717¢ Wilson, BLOCK, medium (wavy-line New York, NY) cancelAvg/F0.50
 730a1¢ Chicago Century of Progress, UR corner BLOCK, light/med. double-oval cancel, image is of actual itemVF2.25
 7456¢ Crater Lake, SINGLE, lt-med cancelF+0.50
  767a3¢ Century of Progress, UR margin Block of 4 (2 medium cancel strikes)VF1.00
 7783¢ TIPEX S/S, light mute oval cancel, image is of actual itemVF1.00
  819 14¢ Franklin Pierce, single w/light cancel VF 0.15
  899-901 Defense set of 3 F-XF 0.15
  909 5¢ Overrun Nations, Poland, single w/light cancel VF 0.15
  909 5¢ Overrun Nations, Poland, Name (plate) corner Block w/light oval cancels VF/VF+ 1.25
  910 5¢ Overrun Nations, Czechoslovakia, single w/light cancel VF 0.15
  911 5¢ Overrun Nations, Norway, single w/light cancel VF 0.15
 9125¢ Overrun Nations, Luxembourg, single w/light cancelVF+0.15
  9125¢ Overrun Nations, Luxembourg, (plate) NAME SINGLE w/light cancel, no faultsVF1.00
 9145¢ Overrun Nations, Belgium, single w/light-medium cancelVF0.15
 9155¢ Overrun Nations, France, single w/light cancelVF0.15
 9165¢ Overrun Nations, Greece, single w/light-medium cancelVF0.15
 9165¢ Overrun Nations, Greece, (plate) NAME SINGLE w/light-medium oval cancel, perf separations and creaseVF0.25
 9205¢ Overrun Nations, Denmark, single w/light FD cancelVF+0.15
 9485¢ & 10¢ CIPEX S/S, very light "NY" oval cancelXF0.75
 9783¢ Gettysburg Address, BLOCK, light FD cancel, one pulled perfVF0.15
 10668¢ Rotary International, BLOCK, light/medium FD cancelVF+0.40
 1075a3¢ Liberty, light, modern cancel, closely cropped with 1.5 mm marginsVF+0.20
 1113-6Set of 4 Lincoln commemoratives, light cancelsVF0.30
 11224¢ Forest Conservation, light cancelVF0.10
 11334¢ Soil Conservation, BLOCK, light cancelVF0.20
 11404¢ Credo B. Franklin, BLOCK, med. cancelVF0.20
 11454¢ Boy Scout of America, med. cancelVF0.10
  11574¢ Mexican Independence, BLOCK, medium/heavy cancelVF+0.15
  11644¢ 1st Automated P. O., BLOCK w/First Day cancel on paperVF0.20
 11764¢ Range Conservation, v. light cancelVF0.10
 11904¢ Nursing, v. light cancelVF0.10
 12251¢ Andrew Jackson, coil Single, light/med double circle cancel (possibly 1225a)VF0.10
  12715¢ 400th Anniversary of Florida, BLOCK, light FD cancelVF+0.35
  1305b-LP6¢ FDR, Bureau Precancel, joint line pairVF100.00
  13195¢ Great River Road BLOCK w/light First Day cancelVF0.30
  1365-86¢ Beautification of America BLOCK w/light-med FD cancelVF0.90
  13696¢ American Legion, BLOCK of 4 w/First Day cancelVF0.25
  13726¢ W.C. Handy w/light cancelVF0.10
  13816¢ Professional Baseball w/light cancelVF0.15
  1384a6¢ Winter Scene w/MEMPHIS,TN precancel w/light-mod cancelVF0.25
  14256¢ Blood Donation, BLOCK of 4 w/First Day cancelF0.20
  1451a2¢ Cape Hatteras Seashore, BLOCK of 4 w/First Day cancelVF0.15
  1483a8¢ Boston Tea Party, BLOCK of 4 w/First Day cancelVF0.35
  1480-38¢ Boston Tea Party, SINGLEs (4) light, period cancelsVF0.25
1498a8¢ Postal Workers, att'd STRIP of 10 light (probable FD) cancelsVF1.50
  150610¢ Rural America - Wheat, BLOCK medium cancelF0.05
 151910¢ Crossed Flags, coil light cancelVF+0.10
  1538-4110¢ Mineral Heritage set of singles w/light cancelsVF0.25
 154210¢ Kentucky Settlement medium cancelVF0.10
  156410¢ Battle of Bunker Hill, light/med cancelVF+0.05
  1569-7010¢ Apollo-Soyuz att'd PAIR w/medium cancelVF0.15
 159412¢ Crossed Flags, coil v. light cancelVF+0.12
  1612$5 Railroad Lantern, light cancelVF+1.00
700163213¢ Interphil ZIP SINGLES matched set of 4--0.65
701168313¢ Telephone Centennial ZIP SINGLES matched set of 4--0.65
 172613¢ Articles of Confederation, light/med cancel (Blocks available @ 20¢/ea.)VF+0.10
 172713¢ Talking Pictures light cancelVF+0.10
  1733b13¢ Captain Cook, att'd pair (#1732-3), light/med slogan cancelVF0.40
  175713¢ CAPEX S/S, block of 8, very light wavy line cancelVF1.15
  1757a-h13¢ CAPEX S/S, SINGLEs (8) light, in period cancelsVF0.95
  1819a(15¢) "B" Eagle pane of 8 w/tab light/med, blue, double circle cancels, '2005' not in period VF1.00
  18441¢ Dorothea Dix, full First Day cancel cut from souvenir pageVF0.15
  1844c1¢ Dorothea Dix, small block tagging, perf 10.9, medium red circle cancelVF0.10
 187415¢ Everett Dirksen, light cancelVF+0.10
5431909$9.35 Eagle & Moon, SINGLE, light cancelVF13.00
5441909$9.35 Eagle & Moon, SINGLE, med. cancelVF11.00
  1948(20¢) "C" Eagle, very light cancelXF0.20
 2005Consumer Educatiion, heavy cancelVF+0.10
 205220¢ Treaty of Paris, light cancel, red (Blocks available @ 20¢/ea.)VF0.10
 208120¢ National Archives, light cancel (Blocks available @ 20¢/ea.)VF0.10
 209120¢ St. Lawrence Seaway, medium cancel (Plt Block available @ 25¢.)VF+0.12
  227522¢ United Way, plate # block of 4, very light red cancelVF+0.45
  2486a29¢ African Violet PANE of 10 (with margin tab, medium FD cancel)VF+2.75
  2542 $14 Eagle in Flight, complete USPS Folio w/FDC, light cancel, like new condition VF+ 6.00
  2785-8Set of 4 Children's Classics, light/medium cancelsVF0.85
  2837a-cWorld Cup USA 94, attached strip of 3, very light, red cancel (single strike catches all 3 stamps)VF+2.00
  3036$1 Red Fox, light cancelVF+0.35
 3119Cycling S/S, (date appropriate) light cancelVF+1.00
  347734¢ Liberty, medium cancelVF0.10
  3931-537¢ Sporty Cars SET of 5VF0.70
  4076a-f39¢ Distinguished Diplomats, SET of 6, light cancels in periodVF+1.75
426542¢ Frank Sinatra, light cancel, on paper very closely croppedVF0.15
426542¢ Frank Sinatra, medium cancelVF0.10
434742¢ Sunflower, light cancel, on paper very closely croppedVF0.15
 4384a-f42¢ Civil Rights Pioneers, Set of 6 covers w/2009 cancels, light cancelsVF+3.00
5574806a$2 Jenny Invert, on corner w/medium '2016' cancelVF+1.00
 5058(FOREVER/$1.15) Moon (global rate) issued 2/22/16, on white paper w/light-med. sprayed-on cancelXF0.55
 5306a(FOREVER/50¢) Art of Magic, lenticular "moving" bunny, on paper w/ v.light sprayed-on cancelVF0.55
155 5336(FOREVER/50¢) Santa single from S/S issued 10/11/18, on white paper w/light sprayed-on cancelXF0.60
501 C8 PLATE BLOCK of 4(!), 15¢ Map VF/XF 9.00
 C2020¢ Clipper, BLOCK, med/heavy (duplex) cancel, "NEW YORK NY JUN 10 1936 GPO"F-VF2.00
 C2120¢ Clipper, BLOCK, med (duplex) cancel, "HONOLULU HAWAII DEC 4 1939"F2.00
 C2420¢ Transatlantic Winged Globe, BLOCK, med (double-oval) cancelVF4.00
 C268¢ Transport Plane, BLOCK, medium (Salt Lake City, Mar 5, 1946) cancelF/F+0.50
   C46 80¢ Hawaii, light cancel VF+ 0.80
  C46 80¢ Hawaii, BLOCK, med. cancel F 1.75
 C517¢ Jet Silhouette, light cancelVF0.10
 C517¢ Jet Silhouette, BLOCK, light (round, "1961") cancelF+/VF0.25
 C517¢ Jet Silhouette, on first flight cover, dated July 1, 1959, light cancelXF0.20
 C527¢ Jet Silhouette coil, on piece w/light FD cancelF0.12
  C698¢ Goddard, light cancelVF+0.10
 C79b13¢ Winged Envelope Bureau Precancel, "Washington DC". Block available @ $0.25VF (or better)0.10
  C8718¢ LibertyVF0.20
  C123-445¢ Hover Car and Moon Rover, FD cancel on partial card stock x2, light, straight line cancelVF+0.90
  J88½¢ Postage Due, very light cancelVF0.30
  J88½¢ Postage Due BLOCK, very light cancelVF1.70
  J891¢ Postage Due, Sheet of 100 (full margins), light oval cancelsVF3.25
  J902¢ Postage Due, very light cancel (also available as BLOCK @ 4x price)VF0.05
K12¢ on 1¢ Washington (green), light cancel on partial card stockF+/VF10.00
 O158 (& O146A)(combination) 34¢ & 10¢ Official Mail with June 2011 machine cancel, cut corner, heavy cancelVF0.75

  "CUT SQUARES" are full corners with top flap and backside cut from envelope. Images with Lot# is the actual item for sale. Otherwise, images should be considered as reference only.
  U4811½¢ Washington, entire, lt/med cancelN/A0.20
  U5222¢ Liberty Bell, CUT SQ., medium cancelN/A0.25
 U5382¢ + 2¢ Washington, CUT SQUARE, (not full corner) med. cancelN/A0.15
 U538a2¢ + 2¢ Washington, die 2, entire (#10), med. cancel, envelope opened at top with clean, shallow cutN/A0.75
 U548A1.6¢ Liberty Bell, FDC, unaddressed (w/#1283B)clean0.20
 U5546¢ Moby Dick, FDC, unaddressed, uncacheted 0.20
 U5556¢ Youth, FDC, unaddressed, uncacheted 0.15
 U5561.7¢ Liberty Bell, CUT SQ., with FD cancel (5/10/71) and #1283aclean0.15
 U5578¢ Eagle, full FDC, good cancel strike, unaddressedclean0.20
  U5638¢ Bowling, CUT SQ., light FD cancelN/A0.15
  U56910¢ Tennis, CUT SQ., light FD cancelN/A0.15
 U57313¢ Sheaf of Wheat, CUT SQ., med. cancelVF+0.15
  U57613¢ Liberty Tree, CUT SQ., light cancelclean0.15
  U58313¢ Golf, CUT SQ., light cancel (in period)clean0.25
  U59318¢ Star, CUT SQ., med. cancelN/A0.15
  U60120¢ Capitol Dome, CUT SQ., med. cancelN/A0.15
  U60220¢ Great Seal, CUT SQ., med. cancelN/A0.15
  U60822¢ Bison, CUT SQ., med. cancelN/A0.20
  U61125¢ Stars in Circle, CUT SQ., med. cancelN/A0.20
  U63232¢ Liberty Bell, CUT SQ., med. cancelN/A0.20
  UC306¢+1¢ Skymaster, #10, med. cancel in period "1959"N/A0.25
 UC4311¢ Jet & Circles, FDC, uncacheted, unaddressedclean0.25
 UC4415¢ Birds in Flight, Aerogramme, FDC, plain, unaddressedclean0.25
 UX391¢ Jefferson revalued to 2¢, used entire, addressed business - Carlisle, PA Livestock Market quotesgood0.15
 UX442¢ FIPEX, FDC, no cachet, unaddressedclean0.25
 UX709¢ Caeser Rodney, FDC, NO cachet, unaddressedclean0.15
  UX15319¢ Flag, CUT SQ., light cancelN/A0.15
  UX38123¢ Carlsbad Caverns National Park, CUT SQ., med cancelN/A0.10
 UX53327¢ Mount St. Mary's Univ., FDC, NO cachet, unaddressedclean0.55
 UX53427¢ Corinthian Column, FDC, NO cachet, unaddressedclean0.55
529UXC1115¢ Travel, FDC, no cachet, unaddressedclean0.20
532UXC1518¢ Visit USA, FDC, no cachet, unaddressedclean0.30