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U.S. Plate Number Singles Page 4

Catalog #s:   1278 - 1445

Stamps are Mint, Never Hinged unless otherwise noted. Stamps added
or restocked in the last 60 days are marked as  .

Used Plate Singles
(At bottom of this page)

Last updated 04-20-24
# 264 – 802 Page 1
# 803 –1029 Page 2
#1031–1276 Page 3
#1446–2512 Page 5
#2513–4845 Page 6
#4846–present Page 7
Airmail + BoB Page 11
Zips Zip Singles

DescriptionPositions Available
 12781¢ Jefferson 29480 0.10 (VF, perf seps)
 12781¢ Jefferson 30087
 12781¢ Jefferson 30956 0.25 (VF+)
 12781¢ Jefferson 30989 0.15 (F)
 12802¢ Frank Lloyd Wright 28506 0.15 (F)
 12802¢ Frank Lloyd Wright 28507 0.15 (F) 0.15 (F+)
 12802¢ Frank Lloyd Wright 28511 0.15 (F)
 12802¢ Frank Lloyd Wright 29874 0.15 (F, lt. stain)
 12802¢ Frank Lloyd Wright 32061 0.15 (F) 0.15 (F)
 12802¢ Frank Lloyd Wright 32062 0.15 (F+) 0.15 (F)
 12802¢ Frank Lloyd Wright 32128 0.15 (F)
 12802¢ Frank Lloyd Wright 32330 0.20 (VF)
 12802¢ Frank Lloyd Wright 32529 0.10 (F, ink fault)
 12802¢ Frank Lloyd Wright 33137 0.15 (VF)
 12813¢ Francis Parkman 29258 0.15 (F/F+)
 12813¢ Francis Parkman 29259 0.10 (Avg/F) 0.20 (VF+, toned)
 12813¢ Francis Parkman 34234 0.20 (F+)
 12813¢ Francis Parkman 34244 0.15 (F, margin fold)
 12813¢ Francis Parkman 35776 0.10 (F) 0.15 (F+)
 12824¢ Lincoln 28242 0.25 (VF+, VLH)
 12824¢ Lincoln 28245 0.25 (VF) 0.15 (F)
 12824¢ Lincoln 28331 0.50 (F)
 1282a4¢ Lincoln (tagged) 28248 0.20 (Avg)
 1282a4¢ Lincoln (tagged) 28312 0.20 (F+) 0.20 (F)
 1282a4¢ Lincoln (tagged) 28330 0.20 (F)
 1282a4¢ Lincoln (tagged) 28331 0.20 (F)
 1282a4¢ Lincoln (tagged) 28832 0.20 (F+)
 1282a4¢ Lincoln (tagged) 28834 0.20 (F+, tiny margin fault)
 12835¢ Washington, untag'd 28349 0.15 (F)
 12835¢ Washington, untag'd 28351 0.15 (F+, faults) 0.15 (F+, faults)
 12835¢ Washington, untag'd 28352
 12835¢ Washington, untag'd 28355 0.15 (F+)
 1283a5¢ Washington, tagged 28355 0.12 (F+, toned)
 1283a5¢ Washington, tagged 28356 0.25 (VF+)
 1283a5¢ Washington, tagged 28359 0.15 (F+)
 1283a5¢ Washington, tagged 28361 0.20 (VF) 0.12 (F)
 1283a5¢ Washington, tagged 28364 0.15 (F+, H, discolored)
 1283a5¢ Washington, tagged 28366 0.15 (F+)
 1283a5¢ Washington, tagged 28370 0.12 (F)
 1283a5¢ Washington, tagged 28381 0.20 (VF)
 1283a5¢ Washington, tagged 28384 0.20 (VF)
 1283a5¢ Washington, tagged 28679 1.00 (F+)
 1283B5¢ Washington, redrawn 29320 0.20 (F+, undr-inkd) 0.30 (VF+)
 1283B5¢ Washington, redrawn 29323 0.15 (F) 0.30 (VF)
 1283B5¢ Washington 29356 0.35 (VF+) 0.30 (VF)
 1283B5¢ Washington 29357 0.10 (Avg/F) 0.10 (Avg/F)
 1283B5¢ Washington, redrawn 29362 0.12 (F, H) 0.12 (F+, toned)
 1283B5¢ Washington, redrawn 29363 0.15 (F)
 1283B5¢ Washington, redrawn 38854 0.12 (F)
 1283B5¢ Washington, redrawn 39312 0.12 (F)
 1283B5¢ Washington, redrawn 39369 0.12 (F)
 1283B5¢ Washington, redrawn 39370 0.30 (VF)
 1283Bv5¢ Washington, dull gum 39425 0.50 (VF)
 12846¢ FDR 28341 0.40 (VF+)
 12846¢ FDR 28343 0.15 (F)
 1284a6¢ FDR 29211 0.40 (VF)
 1284a6¢ FDR 29530 0.45 (VF+)
 1284a6¢ FDR 30555
1285a8¢ Einstein, tagged 28398
1285a8¢ Einstein, tagged 28399 0.25 (VF) 0.15 (F)
1285a8¢ Einstein, tagged 29342 0.15 (F)
1285a8¢ Einstein, tagged 31913 0.20 (F+, LH) 0.25 (VF)
1285a8¢ Einstein, tagged 31916 0.20 (F+)
1285a8¢ Einstein, tagged 32201 0.25 (VF) 0.15 (F)
1286  12 numbers =   28968, 28969, 29009, 29010, 30650, 30651, 30994, 30995, 34348, 34349, 34369, 34370 (no premium numbers)
 128610¢ Jackson 28968 0.30 (VF, margin fault)
 128610¢ Jackson 28969 0.35 (VF) 0.35 (VF)
 128610¢ Jackson 29009 0.35 (VF, minor margin fault) 0.25 (F+)
 128610¢ Jackson 30650 0.25 (F+)
 128610¢ Jackson 30651 0.35 (VF) 0.35 (VF)
 128610¢ Jackson 30994 0.25 (F)
 128610¢ Jackson 30995 0.25 (F) 0.25 (F)
 128610¢ Jackson 34369 0.25 (F)
 128610¢ Jackson 34370 0.25 (F) 0.25 (F)
 1286e10¢ A. Jackson, UNTAGGED (Not precancel) 28968 10.00 (VF, H, margin discolored)
 1286A12¢ Henry Ford 29548 0.25 (F)
 1286A12¢ Henry Ford 29549 0.40 (VF+)
 1286A12¢ Henry Ford 31912 0.40 (VF+) 0.25 (F)
 128713¢ JFK 29114 —> 0.25 (F+) 0.25 (F+)
 128713¢ JFK 29393 0.65 (VF+)
 128815¢ O. W. Holmes 29602 0.35 (VF+) 0.35 (VF)
 1288d15¢ O. W. Holmes, die II 39069 0.75 (Avg/F)
 128920¢ George C. Marshall, untagged 29261 0.50 (VF+) 0.45 (VF)
 128920¢ G. C. Marshall, untagged 29262 0.40 (VF+)
 128920¢ G. C. Marshall, untagged 29426
 128920¢ G. C. Marshall, untagged 30918 0.35 (F)
 1289a20¢ George C. Marshall, tagged 30918 0.35 (F)
 1289a20¢ George C. Marshall 33964 0.35 (F)
 1289a20¢ George C. Marshall 35342 0.35 (F)
 1289a20¢ George C. Marshall 38873 0.50 (VF+) 0.35 (F)
 1289a20¢ George C. Marshall 38915 0.45 (VF)
 129025¢ Frederick Douglass 28946 0.40 (F)
 1290a25¢ Frederick Douglass (tagged) 31289 0.40 (F)
 1290a25¢ Frederick Douglass (tagged) 31290 0.40 (F)
 129130¢ John Dewey, untagged 30320 1.30 (VF+)
 1291a30¢ John Dewey, tagged 30320
 1291a30¢ John Dewey, tagged 31293 0.90 (F+) 1.20 (VF)
 129240¢ Thomas Paine, untagged 29537 1.00 (VF)
 129240¢ Thomas Paine, untagged 31337
 1292a40¢ Thomas Paine, tagged 29545 0.70 (F)
 1292a40¢ Thomas Paine, tagged 31337 1.10 (VF)
 1292a40¢ Thomas Paine, tagged 37045 1.25 (VF+)
 1292a40¢ Thomas Paine, tagged 37046 1.10 (VF)
 129350¢ Lucy Stone 31588 0.65 (barely F)
 129350¢ Lucy Stone 31589
 1293a50¢ Lucy Stone, tagged 31588 1.10 (VF+)
 1293a50¢ Lucy Stone, tagged 31589 0.70 (F)
 1293a50¢ Lucy Stone, tagged 33079 0.70 (F) 0.70 (F)
 1294$1 Eugene O'Neill (untagged) 32902 2.50 (VF)
 1294$1 Eugene O'Neill (untagged) 32903 2.10 (F+) 2.50 (VF)
 1294a$1 Eugene O'Neill 32848 1.75 (VF)
 1294a$1 Eugene O'Neill 37564 1.40 (F+)
 1294a$1 Eugene O'Neill 37994 1.75 (VF)
 1295a$5 J. B. Moore, tagged 28766
 13065¢ Migratory Birds, att'd pair 28394-28395 0.50 (VF/VF+)
 13065¢ Migratory Birds, att'd pair 28394-28401 0.40 (VF) 0.55 (VF+) 0.25 (F++)
 13065¢ Migratory Birds, att'd pair 28396-28395 0.40 (VF) 0.50 (VF/VF+) 0.20 (F)
 13065¢ Migratory Birds, att'd pair 28396-28401 0.40 (VF) 0.20 (F+)
 13065¢ Migratory Birds, att'd pair 28402-28408 0.55 (VF+) 0.70 (XF)
 13065¢ Migratory Birds, att'd pair 28407-28408 0.70 (XF) 0.55 (VF+)
1307  9 numbers =   28413, 28417–28420, 28425, 28429, 28462, 28466 (one premium number)
 13075¢ Humane Treatment of Animals 28413 0.55 (XF)
 13075¢ Humane Treatment of Animals 28417 0.30 (XF)
 13075¢ Humane Treatment of Animals 28418 0.12 (F)
 13075¢ Humane Treatment of Animals 28420 0.30 (XF)
 13075¢ Humane Treatment of Animals 28425 0.25 (VF+) 0.20 (VF) 0.20 (VF) 0.20 (VF)
 13075¢ Humane Treatment of Animals 28429 0.20 (VF)
 13075¢ Humane Treatment of Animals 28462 0.25 (VF+)
 13085¢ Indiana, att'd pair 28326-28365
 13085¢ Indiana, att'd pair 28326-28368 0.35 (VF/VF+)
 13085¢ Indiana, att'd pair 28326-28375 0.35 (VF/VF+)
 13085¢ Indiana, att'd pair 28327-28365 0.35 (VF)
 13085¢ Indiana, att'd pair 28327-28368 0.35 (VF)
 13085¢ Indiana, att'd pair 28328-28348 0.25 (F+)
 13085¢ Indiana, att'd pair 28333-28348 0.30 (VF, short perf)
 13095¢ Circus, pair 28450-28460 0.20 (F, minor fault)
 13095¢ Circus, pair 28450-28461 0.20 (F+, minor fault)
 13095¢ Circus, pair 28458-28460 0.40 (VF) 0.20 (F)
 13095¢ Circus, pair 28459-28460 0.40 (VF)
 13095¢ Circus, pair 28459-28461 0.35 (F+/VF) 0.35 (F+/VF)
 13095¢ Circus, pair 28463-28467 0.30 (VF, minor fault) 0.40 (VF)
 13095¢ Circus, pair 28463-28473 0.40 (VF)
 13095¢ Circus, pair 28486-28467 0.30 (VF, bumpd cornr) 0.40 (VF) 0.35 (F+/VF)
 13095¢ Circus, pair 28486-28473 0.30 (F+)
 13095¢ Circus, pair 28488-28467 0.15 (F+, fault)
 13095¢ Circus, pair 28488-28473 0.40 (VF+)
 13105¢ SIPEX 28468 0.25 (VF+) 0.18 (F+)
 13105¢ SIPEX 28474 0.18 (F+) 0.18 (F+)
 13105¢ SIPEX 28479 0.30 (XF) 0.18 (VF, margin fault)
 13105¢ SIPEX 28482 0.18 (F+) 0.13 (F) 0.20 (VF)
 13105¢ SIPEX 28522 0.25 (VF+) 0.18 (F+) 0.18 (F+)
 13105¢ SIPEX 28531 0.20 (VF) 0.15 (F) 0.15 (F)
 13125¢ Bill of Rights, pair 28572-28582
 13125¢ Bill of Rights, pair 28578-28588 0.35 (VF)
 13125¢ Bill of Rights, pair 28581-28618 0.30 (F+)
 13125¢ Bill of Rights, pair 28581-28621 0.30 (VF, weak perfs) 0.30 (F+, faults) 0.30 (VF+, margin faults)
 13125¢ Bill of Rights, pair 28607-28593 0.40 (VF)
 13125¢ Bill of Rights, pair 28610-28593 0.40 (VF)
 13125¢ Bill of Rights, pair 28610-28618 0.40 (VF)
 13145¢ National Park Service, untagged 28632 0.12 (F, minor fault) 0.40 (XF)
 13145¢ National Park Service, untagged 28637 0.25 (VF) 0.25 (VF)
 13145¢ National Park Service, untagged 28642 0.15 (F+) 0.15 (F+) 0.15 (F+)
 13145¢ National Park Service, untagged 28649 0.15 (F+) 0.12 (F) 0.20 (VF, crease)
 13145¢ National Park Service, untagged 28668 0.40 (XF) 0.15 (F+)
 13145¢ National Park Service, untagged 28670 0.30 (VF+)
 1314a5¢ National Park Service, tagged 28632 0.15 (F)
 1314a5¢ National Park Service, tagged 28642 0.20 (F+)
 13155¢ Marine Corps Reserve 28638
 13155¢ Marine Corps Reserve 28647 0.20 (VF)
 13155¢ Marine Corps Reserve 28648 0.20 (VF)
 1315a5¢ Marine Corps Reserve 28640 0.85 (VF+)
 13165¢ Women's Clubs, pair 28708-28712 0.35 (VF+)
 13165¢ Federation of Women's Clubs, pair 28708-28714 0.35 (VF+)
 1316a5¢ Federation of Women's Clubs, pair 28705-28707 2.00 (VF)
1317  12 number pairs =   28669–28673/74/77, 28671–28673/74/77, 28672–28686/28718/19, 28683–28686/28718/19 (no premium numbers)
 13175¢ Johnny Appleseed, pair 28669-28673 0.60 (VF)
 13175¢ Johnny Appleseed, pair 28671-28674
 13175¢ Johnny Appleseed, pair 28672-28718 0.45 (F++)
 13175¢ Johnny Appleseed, pair 28672-28719 0.45 (F++)
 13175¢ Johnny Appleseed, pair 28683-28686 0.60 (VF) 0.60 (VF)
 13175¢ Johnny Appleseed, pair 28683-28719 0.40 (F/F+) 0.60 (VF)
1317a  Same 12 number pairs as #1317.   8 of the 12 numbers are premium numbers:  28669–28673 & 28674, 28671–28673 & 28674, 28672–28718 & 28719, 28683–28718 & 28719
 1317a5¢ Johnny Appleseed, tagged pair 28669-28673 2.00 (VF+)
 13185¢ Plant for a more Beautiful America, pair 28727-28733 0.40 (VF)
 13185¢ Plant for a more Beautiful America, pair 28727-28736 0.25 (F+)
 13185¢ Plant for a more Beautiful America, pair 28727-28786 0.25 (F+)
 13185¢ Plant for a more Beautiful America, pair 28732-28788
 13185¢ Plant for a more Beautiful America, pair 28735-28780 0.25 (F++)
 13185¢ Plant for a more Beautiful America, pair 28735-28780 0.35 (VF+)
 13195¢ Great River Road 28813 0.30 (VF)
 13195¢ Great River Road 28817 0.15 (VF, minor margin fault)
 13195¢ Great River Road 28840 0.15 (F)
 13195¢ Great River Road 28844 0.30 (VF)
 13205¢ Savings Bonds/Servicemen 28741 0.15 (F+)
 13205¢ Savings Bonds 28752 0.15 (F)
 13205¢ Savings Bonds 28754 0.20 (VF)
 13205¢ Savings Bonds 28759 0.25 (VF+)
 13205¢ Savings Bonds 28763 0.15 (F+) 0.25 (VF+)
 13205¢ Savings Bonds 28769 0.15 (F) 0.20 (VF)
 13205¢ Savings Bonds 28772 0.15 (F)
1321  29 nos. =   28739//28893 (premium numbers = 28747, 28883, 28889, 28890, 28893)
 13215¢ Memling Madonna 28740 0.15 (F+)
 13215¢ Memling Madonna 28743 0.15 (F)
 13215¢ Memling Madonna 28745 0.20 (VF)
 13215¢ Memling Madonna 28753 0.20 (VF)
 13215¢ Memling Madonna 28756 0.25 (VF+)
 13215¢ Memling Madonna 28762 0.15 (F+)
 13215¢ Memling Madonna 28768 0.20 (VF) 0.15 (F)
 13215¢ Memling Madonna 28808 0.15 (F+)
 13215¢ Memling Madonna 28822 0.20 (VF)
 13215¢ Memling Madonna 28836 0.20 (VF)
 13215¢ Memling Madonna 28870 0.15 (F) 0.20 (VF)
 13215¢ Memling Madonna 28875 0.10 (F, GD) 0.15 (F) 0.15 (F)
1321a  11 nos. =   28739//28893 (premium numbers = 28745, 28890, 28893)
 1321a5¢ Memling Madonna, tagged 28751 1.10 (VF)
 1321a5¢ Memling Madonna, tagged 28758 0.60 (F)
 1321a5¢ Memling Madonna, tagged 28889 1.00 (VF++)
 13225¢ Mary Cassatt, att'd pairs 28776-28793 0.40 (VF+)
 13225¢ Mary Cassatt, att'd pairs 28776-28802 0.20 (F+) 0.30 (VF)
 13225¢ Mary Cassatt, att'd pairs 28782-28793 0.30 (VF) 0.30 (VF+, creases
in margin)
0.30 (VF)
 13225¢ Mary Cassatt, att'd pairs 28782-28802 0.20 (F)
 13225¢ Mary Cassatt, att'd pairs 28792-28809 0.30 (VF) 0.25 (F+/VF)
 13225¢ Mary Cassatt, att'd pairs 28876-28807 0.30 (VF)
 13225¢ Mary Cassatt, att'd pairs 28876-28809 0.45 (XF)
1324  42 # combos =   (no premium numbers)
 13245¢ Canada Centennial 28979-29090 0.20 (F) 0.20 (F)
 13245¢ Canada Centennial 28979-29097 0.20 (F)
 13245¢ Canada Centennial 28982-29097 0.20 (F)
 13245¢ Canada Centennial 28987-29076 0.40 (XF)
 13245¢ Canada Centennial 28987-29086 0.30 (F/XF)
 13245¢ Canada Centennial 28988-29074 0.30 (VF)
 13245¢ Canada Centennial 28988-29076 0.35 (VF+)
 13245¢ Canada Centennial 29121-29147 0.35 (VF+) 0.20 (F/F+)
 13245¢ Canada Centennial 29133-29153 0.25 (F+) 0.30 (VF)
 13245¢ Canada Centennial 29173-29146 0.25 (F+) 0.25 (F+)
1325  6 numbers =   28990, 28995, 28998, 28999, 29003, 29008 (no premium numbers)
 13255¢ Erie Canal 28990 0.20 (VF) 0.20 (VF)
 13255¢ Erie Canal 28995 0.18 (VF, margin fault)
 13255¢ Erie Canal 28998 0.15 (F+) 0.20 (VF)
 13255¢ Erie Canal 28999 0.10 (F)
 13255¢ Erie Canal 29003 0.15 (F+) 0.15 (F+)
 13255¢ Erie Canal 29003 0.15 (F+)
1326  10 numbers =   29227, 29239, 29243, 29246, 29247, 29248, 29250, 29256, 29265, 29266 (no premium numbers)
 13265¢ Search for Peace 29227 0.20 (VF)
 13265¢ Search for Peace 29239 0.20 (VF+, H) 0.10 (F)
 13265¢ Search for Peace 29243 0.20 (VF) 0.25 (VF+)
 13265¢ Search for Peace 29246 0.25 (VF+) 0.25 (VF+)
 13265¢ Search for Peace 29266 0.10 (F)
1327  8 numbers =   29106, 29129, 29136, 29140, 29143, 29144, 29145, 29148 (no premium numbers)
 13275¢ Thoreau 29106 0.15 (F+)
 13275¢ Thoreau 29129 0.25 (VF+)
 13275¢ Thoreau 29136 0.25 (VF+) 0.15 (F+)
 13275¢ Thoreau 29140 0.25 (VF+)
 13275¢ Thoreau 29144 0.20 (VF) 0.35 (XF)
 13275¢ Thoreau 29148 0.15 (F+) 0.20 (VF)
1329  4 numbers =   29038, 29043, 29048, 29052 (no premium numbers)
 13295¢ Voice of America 29038 0.20 (VF)
 13295¢ Voice of America 29043 0.20 (VF) 0.15 (F+) 0.15 (F+)
 13295¢ Voice of America 29048 0.15 (F++)
 13295¢ Voice of America 29052 0.20 (VF)
1330  4 numbers =   29222, 29224, 29235, 29242 (no premium numbers)
 13305¢ Davy Crockett 29222 0.30 (VF) 0.20 VF+) 0.30 (VF+, gum fault)
 13305¢ Davy Crockett 29224 0.35 (VF+) 0.35 (VF+)
 13305¢ Davy Crockett 29235 0.30 (VF) 0.35 (VF+)
 13305¢ Davy Crockett 29242 0.25 (VF) 0.25 (VF+, minor margin fault)
 1332b5¢ Gemini Capsule and Astronaut (#1331-2 pair) 29307 1.50 (VF+) 1.10 (F++)
 1332b5¢ Gemini Capsule and Astronaut (#1331-2 pair) 29312 1.20 (VF+, v. slight toning) 1.20 (VF+, v. slight toning) 1.50 (XF)
 1332b5¢ Gemini Capsule and Astronaut (#1331-2 pair) 29322 1.40 (VF+)
 13335¢ Plan for Better Cities 29350 0.20 (VF, gum fault)
 13335¢ Plan for Better Cities 29364 0.15 (F) 0.15 (F)
 13335¢ Plan for Better Cities 29369 0.25 (VF)
 13345¢ Finland 29313 0.15 (F+)
 13365¢ Memling Madonna 29098 0.20 (F+)
 13365¢ Memling Madonna 29111 0.25 (VF)
 13365¢ Memling Madonna 29149 0.15 (F+)
 13365¢ Memling Madonna 29152 0.25 (VF)
 13365¢ Memling Madonna 29162 0.30 (VF+)
 13365¢ Memling Madonna 29163 0.30 (VF+) 0.25 (VF) 0.30 (VF+) 0.25 (VF)
 13365¢ Memling Madonna 29164 0.30 (VF+) 0.25 (VF)
 13365¢ Memling Madonna 29174 0.25 (VF) 0.15 (F++)
 13365¢ Memling Madonna 29193 0.25 (VF)
 13365¢ Memling Madonna 29200 0.35 (XF) 0.15 (F+)
 13365¢ Memling Madonna 29304 0.15 (VF, NG) 0.15 (F+)
 13365¢ Memling Madonna 29399 0.15 (F)
 13365¢ Memling Madonna 29401 0.15 (F+, corner crease)
 13365¢ Memling Madonna 29431 0.25 (VF)
 13365¢ Memling Madonna 29434 0.25 (VF)
1337  12 numbers, 6 greenish/blue, 6 dark green =   29375-29376, 29383;  29377-29376, 29383;  29384-29388, 29394;  29391-29388, 29394;  29420-29424, 29427;  29421-29424, 29427  (no premium numbers)
 13375¢ Mississippi statehood 29377-29376
 13375¢ Mississippi statehood 29377-29383 0.20 (F-VF) 0.35 (VF)
 13375¢ Mississippi statehood 29384-29394 0.20 (F++)
 13375¢ Mississippi statehood 29391-29388 0.20 (F++)
 13375¢ Mississippi statehood 29420-29424 0.20 (F++)
 13375¢ Mississippi statehood 29420-29427 0.35 (VF)
 13375¢ Mississippi statehood 29421-29427 0.30 (F+/VF)
 13386¢ Flag o/White House 29604 0.20 (F+)
 13386¢ Flag o/White House 29610 0.20 (F++)
 13386¢ Flag o/White House 29613 0.20 (AVG)
 13386¢ Flag o/White House 29616 0.15 (F)
 13386¢ Flag o/White House 29620 0.13 (F)
 13386¢ Flag o/White House 29624 0.15 (F) 0.15 (F)
 13386¢ Flag o/White House 29630 0.30 (VF)
 13386¢ Flag o/White House 29633 0.13 (F)
 13386¢ Flag o/White House 29635 0.12 (AVG/F)
 13386¢ Flag o/White House 29657 0.15 (F) 0.20 (F++)
 13386¢ Flag o/White House 29702 0.30 (VF)
 13386¢ Flag o/White House 29717 0.15 (VF, faults)
 13386¢ Flag o/White House 29718 0.30 (VF,
v/minor faults)
0.15 (Avg/F)
 13386¢ Flag o/White House 29728 0.20 (F++)
 13386¢ Flag o/White House 29794 0.15 (F) 0.30 (VF)
 13386¢ Flag o/White House 29795 0.20 (F+)
 13386¢ Flag o/White House 29845 0.15 (F) 0.15 (Avg/F)
 13386¢ Flag o/White House 30088 0.15 (F)
 13386¢ Flag o/White House 30089 0.15 (F)
 13386¢ Flag o/White House 30104 0.15 (F)
 13386¢ Flag o/White House 30213 0.35 (VF+) 0.15 (Avg/F) 0.15 (F)
 13386¢ Flag o/White House 30243 0.15 (F)
 13386¢ Flag o/White House 30256 0.15 (F) 0.15 (Avg/F)
 13386¢ Flag o/White House 30289 0.15 (F)
 13386¢ Flag o/White House 30322 0.50 (Avg/F)
 13386¢ Flag o/White House 30681 0.40 (XF)
 13386¢ Flag o/White House 30703 0.20 (F+)
 13386¢ Flag o/White House 30793 0.15 (F)
 13386¢ Flag o/White House 30850 0.15 (F)
 13386¢ Flag o/White House 30859 1.20 (VF+)
 13386¢ Flag o/White House 31469 0.15 (F)
 13386¢ Flag o/White House 31473 0.15 (F)
 13386¢ Flag o/White House 31479 0.20 (F+) 0.15 (F)
 13386¢ Flag o/White House 31871 1.00 (VF)
1339  6 numbers =   29560, 29570, 29571, 29576, 29586, 29590 (no premium numbers)
 13396¢ Illinois 29560
 13396¢ Illinois 29570 0.15 (F)
 13396¢ Illinois 29571 0.20 (F++)
 13396¢ Illinois 29586 0.30 (VF+) 0.15 (F) 0.30 (VF+)
 13396¢ Illinois 29590 0.20 (VF+, margin crease)
 13406¢ Hemisfair '68 29716
1341  8 numbers =   29761, 29762, 29763, 29766, 29769, 29774, 29779, 29781 (no premium numbers)
 1341$1 Airlift 29762
 1341$1 Airlift 29763 1.50 (VF) 2.00 (XF)
 1341$1 Airlift 29766 2.00 (XF) 1.40 (VF) 1.40 (VF) 1.75 (VF+)
 1341$1 Airlift 29769 1.60 (VF+, VLH)
 1341$1 Airlift 29774 1.35 (F++) 1.50 (VF)
 1341$1 Airlift 29779 1.35 (F++) 1.50 (VF)
 13436¢ Law & Order 29836 0.25 (VF+)
 13446¢ Register & Vote 29760 0.25 (VF+)
 13446¢ Register & Vote 29764 0.20 (VF) 0.15 (F)
 13446¢ Register & Vote 29782 0.12 (F, fault) 0.20 (VF) 0.20 (VF)
 13446¢ Register & Vote 29786 0.20 (VF) 0.15 (F+)
 13446¢ Register & Vote 29823 0.15 (F+) 0.15 (F+) 0.20 (VF+, weak perfs) 0.15 (VF, fault)
 13446¢ Register & Vote 29996 —> 0.20 (VF)
 13446¢ Register & Vote 30055 —> 0.25 (VF+)
1345  10 numbers =   29995, 30028, 30045, 30052, 30074, 30085, 30306, 30311, 30705, 30706 (no premium numbers)
 13456¢ Historic Flag, Ft. Moultrie Flag 1776 29995 0.20 (F+)
 13456¢ Historic Flag, Ft. Moultrie Flag 1776 30045 0.30 (VF+) 0.30 (VF+)
 13456¢ Historic Flag, Ft. Moultrie Flag 1776 30074 0.20 (VF, margin fault) 0.50 (XF) 0.20 (F+)
 13456¢ Historic Flag, Ft. Moultrie Flag 1776 30085 0.30 (VF)
 13456¢ Historic Flag, Ft. Moultrie Flag 1776 30306 0.20 (F+)
 13456¢ Historic Flag, Ft. Moultrie Flag 1776 30311 0.20 (F++) 0.20 (VF, gum fault)
 13456¢ Historic Flag, Ft. Moultrie Flag 1776 30705 0.30 (VF) 0.30 (VF) 0.15 (F) 0.20 (F+)
 13456¢ Historic Flag, Ft. Moultrie Flag 1776 30706 0.30 (VF) 0.50 (XF)
 13566¢ Fr. Marquette 30120 0.25 (VF) 0.25 (VF) 0.25 (VF)
 13566¢ Fr. Marquette 30147 0.25 (VF)
 13576¢ Daniel Boone 30257 0.30 (VF+)
 13576¢ Daniel Boone 30266 0.20 (F+/VF) 0.25 (VF)
 13576¢ Daniel Boone 30280 0.25 (VF+)
 13576¢ Daniel Boone 30303 0.15 (VF, gum fault) 0.25 (VF)
 13576¢ Daniel Boone 30341 0.15 (VF, margin fault)
 13586¢ Arkansas River Navigation 30326 0.30 (VF+) 0.30 (VF+) 0.30 (VF+)
 13586¢ Arkansas River Navigation 30327 0.25 (VF) 0.30 (VF+)
 13586¢ Arkansas River Navigation 30328 0.25 (VF) 0.25 (VF)
 13586¢ Arkansas River Navigation 30334 0.25 (VF)
 13586¢ Arkansas River Navigation 30337 0.25 (VF) 0.25 (VF)
 13586¢ Arkansas River Navigation 30338 0.15 (F+) 0.25 (VF)
 13586¢ Arkansas River Navigation 30339 0.15 (F+) 0.15 (F+) 0.20 (VF+, GD)
1360  4 #s =   30371, 30372, 30388, 30389 (no premium numbers)
 13606¢ Cherokee Strip 30372 0.50 (VF)
 13606¢ Cherokee Strip 30388 0.30 (VF
short perfs)
 13606¢ Cherokee Strip 30389 0.50 (VF) 0.50 (XF, margin GD)
1362  6 #s =   30347, 30350, 30351, 30358, 30360, 30370 (no premium numbers)
 13626¢ Waterfowl Conservation 30350 0.10 (VF, faults)
 13626¢ Waterfowl Conservation 30351 0.25 (F+)
 13626¢ Waterfowl Conservation 30358 0.30 (VF)
 13626¢ Waterfowl Conservation 30360 0.30 (VF)
 13626¢ Waterfowl Conservation 30370 0.35 (VF+)
1364  6 #s =   30448, 30459, 30481, 30493, 30495, 30499 (no premium numbers)
 13646¢ American Indian 30448 0.20 (VF+, GD, toned)
 13646¢ American Indian 30459 0.15 (F++)
 13646¢ American Indian 30481 0.25 (VF, LH in margin) 0.25 (VF)
 13646¢ American Indian 30493 0.35 (XF)
 13646¢ American Indian 30495 0.20 (VF, gd) 0.15 (F++)
 13646¢ American Indian 30499 0.15 (F++, GD) 0.20 (VF, GD)
 1365-86¢ Beautification of America 30671 0.15 (F)
1369  8 numbers =   30759, 30769, 30782, 30783, 30786, 30789, 30790, 30825 (no premium numbers)
 13696¢ American Legion 30759 0.40 (XF) 0.20 (VF+, faults) 0.30 (VF)
 13696¢ American Legion 30769 0.35 (VF+) 0.20 (F+) 0.20 (F+) 0.20 (VF, GD)
 13696¢ American Legion 30782 0.35 (VF+) 0.20 (VF, GD) 0.30 (VF) 0.25 (VF+, mrgn fault)
 13696¢ American Legion 30783 0.35 (VF+)
 13696¢ American Legion 30786 0.35 (VF+)
 13696¢ American Legion 30789 0.30 (VF+, GD) 0.30 (VF) 0.30 (VF)
 13696¢ American Legion 30825 0.30 (VF)
1370  10 numbers =   30886, 30889, 30900, 30901, 30904, 30921, 30930, 30933, 30985, 30986 (no premium numbers)
 13706¢ Grandma Moses 30886 0.35 (VF+) 0.15 (F) 0.20 (F+)
 13706¢ Grandma Moses 30889 0.15 (VF+, margin faults)
 13706¢ Grandma Moses 30900 0.15 (F)
 13706¢ Grandma Moses 30901 0.15 (F)
 13706¢ Grandma Moses 30904 0.40 (XF) 0.30 (VF+, LH) 0.15 (F)
 13706¢ Grandma Moses 30921 0.35 (VF+)
 13706¢ Grandma Moses 30930 0.15 (F)
 13706¢ Grandma Moses 30933 0.15 (F+) 0.25 (VF)
 13706¢ Grandma Moses 30985 0.25 (VF)
 13706¢ Grandma Moses 30986 0.30 (VF+, LH) 0.25 (VF)
1371  8 numbers =   30923, 30931, 30932, 30934, 30937, 30938, 30941, 30945 (no premium numbers)
 13716¢ Apollo 8 30923
 13716¢ Apollo 8 30931 0.25 (VF) 0.15 (F+, faults) 0.15 (F++) 0.25 (VF, H in margin)
 13716¢ Apollo 8 30932 0.30 (VF+) 0.20 (F++, GD) 0.25 (VF)
 13716¢ Apollo 8 30934 0.20 (VF, GD) 0.25 (VF)
 13716¢ Apollo 8 30937 0.25 (VF+) 0.20 (F++)
 13716¢ Apollo 8 30941 0.25 (VF)
 13716¢ Apollo 8 30945 0.20 (VF)
 13726¢ W. C. Handy 30707 0.25 (VF, VLH)
 13726¢ W. C. Handy 30714 0.15 (F) 0.25 (VF)
 13726¢ W. C. Handy 30735 0.25 (VF)
 13726¢ W. C. Handy 30744 0.20 (F+)
 13726¢ W. C. Handy 30751 0.25 (VF)
 13726¢ W. C. Handy 30760 0.20 (F+)
 13736¢ California 31095 0.30 (VF)
 13746¢ John Wesley Powell 31160 0.30 (VF) 0.30 (VF)
 13746¢ John Wesley Powell 31182 0.35 (VF+)
1375  8 #s =   31275, 31276, 31277, 31288, 31291, 31300, 31304, 31312 (no premium numbers)
 13756¢ Alabama 31275 0.35 (VF+) 0.35 (VF+)
 13756¢ Alabama 31276 0.25 (F+) 0.30 (VF)
 13756¢ Alabama 31277 0.25 (VF+, minor faults) 0.25 (VF+, margin fault) 0.35 (VF+)
 13756¢ Alabama 31288 0.25 (F+) 0.20 (F+, margin fault)
 13756¢ Alabama 31291 0.35 (VF+) 0.35 (VF+)
 13756¢ Alabama 31300 0.30 (VF) 0.30 (VF)
 13756¢ Alabama 31304 0.20 (F+, H) 0.25 (F+)
 13756¢ Alabama 31312 0.30 (VF)
 1376-96¢ Botanical Congress 30977 0.40 (VF+)
 13806¢ Daniel Webster 31056
1381  9 #s =   31399, 31402, 31404, 31407, 31409, 31410, 31413, 31414, 31436 (no premium numbers)
 13816¢ Professional Baseball 31399 0.20 (F) 0.50 (VF)
 13816¢ Professional Baseball 31402 0.25 (F+)
 13816¢ Professional Baseball 31404 0.70 (VF+) 0.50 (VF)
 13816¢ Professional Baseball 31409 0.20 (F)
 13816¢ Professional Baseball 31410 0.50 (VF+, minor margin fault)
 13816¢ Professional Baseball 31414 0.70 (VF+)
1382  8 #s =   31383, 31386, 31389, 31391, 31398, 31403, 31406, 31408 (no premium numbers)
 13826¢ College Football 31383 0.10 (barely F)
 13826¢ College Football 31386 0.10 (barely F) 0.25 (VF) 0.30 (VF+)
 13826¢ College Football 31403 0.10 (barely F)
 13826¢ College Football 31406 0.40 (VF+)
 13826¢ College Football 31408 0.10 (barely F)
1383  8 #s =   31423, 31424, 31426, 31429, 31430, 31431, 31432, 31433 (no premium numbers)
 13836¢ Dwight D. Eisenhower 31423 0.25 (VF) 0.25 (VF)
 13836¢ Dwight D. Eisenhower 31424 0.20 (F+) 0.25 (VF)
 13836¢ Dwight D. Eisenhower 31426 0.20 (VF+, GD)
 13836¢ Dwight D. Eisenhower 31429 0.20 (VF+, GD) 0.30 (VF+)
 13836¢ Dwight D. Eisenhower 31431 0.30 (VF+)
 13836¢ Dwight D. Eisenhower 31432 0.25 (VF)
 13836¢ Dwight D. Eisenhower 31433 0.25 (VF)
 13846¢ Christmas, Winter Sunday, Single stamps 184 diff. #s 0.15 ea. (F+/VF+), send want list
 13856¢ Hope for the Crippled 31447 0.35 (VF+)
 13856¢ Hope for the Crippled 31456 0.20 (F+)
 13856¢ Hope for the Crippled 31461 0.35 (VF+) 0.20 (VF, fault
in margin)
 13856¢ Hope for the Crippled 31464 0.30 (VF) 0.20 (F+)
 13866¢ William M. Harnett 31486 0.20 (VF)
 13866¢ William M. Harnett 31488 0.20 (VF)
 13866¢ William M. Harnett 31489 0.25 (VF+)
 13866¢ William M. Harnett 31493 0.20 (VF)
 13866¢ William M. Harnett 31496 0.25 (VF+)
 13866¢ William M. Harnett 31505 0.20 (VF)
 13866¢ William M. Harnett 31511 0.20 (VF)
 13866¢ William M. Harnett 31512 0.20 (VF) 0.20 (VF+, minor faults) 0.20 (VF)
 13866¢ William M. Harnett 31513 0.20 (VF, minor fault)
 1387-906¢ Natural History 31678 0.25 (VF)
 1387-906¢ Natural History 31929 .70 (VF)
 13916¢ Maine Statehood 31983
 13926¢ Wildlife Conservation - Buffalo 31959 0.25 (VF+)
 13926¢ Wildlife Conservation - Buffalo 31960 0.15 (F+) 0.20 (VF) 0.25 (VF+, H) 0.25 (VF+)
 13926¢ Wildlife Conservation - Buffalo 31977 0.15 (VF+, GD, bumped corner) 0.25 (XF, LH)
 13926¢ Wildlife Conservation - Buffalo 31978 0.20 (VF) 0.20 (VF)
 13936¢ Eisenhower 31920 0.20 (VF, H) 0.20 (F+) 0.15 (F)
 13936¢ Eisenhower 31927 0.15 (F)
 13936¢ Eisenhower 31928 0.20 (F+) 0.30 (VF+)
 13936¢ Eisenhower 31934 0.15 (F)
 13936¢ Eisenhower 31935 0.25 (VF)
 13936¢ Eisenhower 31947 0.15 (F)
 1393D7¢ Franklin 33412 0.25 (F+)
 1393D7¢ Franklin 33413 0.30 (VF)
 1393D7¢ Franklin 33422 0.20 (F)
 1393D7¢ Franklin 33423 0.25 (F+) 0.25 (F+)
 13948¢ Eisenhower 32701 0.20 (F)
 13948¢ Eisenhower 32743 0.30 (VF+, bumped corner)
 13948¢ Eisenhower 32769
 13948¢ Eisenhower 32785 0.30 (VF)
 13948¢ Eisenhower 32817 0.30 (VF+, margn fault)
 13948¢ Eisenhower 32867 0.30 (VF)
 13948¢ Eisenhower 33674 0.40 (VF+)
 13948¢ Eisenhower 38120 0.60 (F)
 139714¢ LaGuardia 33457 0.40 (VF+)
 139714¢ LaGuardia 33458 0.40 (VF+) 0.25 (F)
 139714¢ LaGuardia 33470
 139816¢ Ernie Pyle 32886 0.30 (F+) 0.30 (F+, VLH)
 139816¢ Ernie Pyle 32887 0.65 (VF+)
 139918¢ Elizabeth Blackwell 34660 0.45 (VF) 0.65 (XF)
 139918¢ Elizabeth Blackwell 34661 0.30 (F+) 0.40 (VF) 0.40 (VF)
 139918¢ Elizabeth Blackwell 34926 0.25 (F)
 140021¢ A. P. Giannini 34180 0.35 (VF, toned) 0.50 (VF) 0.60 (VF+)
 140021¢ A. P. Giannini 34184 0.30 (F)
 140021¢ A. P. Giannini 34185 0.30 (F, toned) 0.30 (F)
 140021¢ A. P. Giannini 34201 0.30 (F)
 14056¢ Edgar Lee Masters 31685 0.20 (VF) 0.20 (VF) 0.25 (VF+)
 14056¢ Edgar Lee Masters 31687 0.20 (VF) 0.20 (VF+, minor faults)
 14056¢ Edgar Lee Masters 31701 0.25 (XF)
 14056¢ Edgar Lee Masters 31703 0.20 (VF)
 14056¢ Edgar Lee Masters 31712 0.15 (F+)
 14066¢ Woman Suffrage 32187 0.30 (VF+)
 14076¢ S. Carolina founding 32012 0.35 (VF+) 0.25 (VF, LH)
 14076¢ S. Carolina founding 32020 0.35 (VF+, VLH) 0.25 (VF, very minor fault)
 14076¢ S. Carolina founding 32027 0.15 (F+, minor margin fault)
 14076¢ S. Carolina founding 32028 0.15 (F++)
 14076¢ S. Carolina founding 32038 0.25 (VF)
 14076¢ S. Carolina founding 32047 0.15 (F+)
1408  8 #s =   32246, 32247, 32248, 32256, 32259, 32261, 32262, 32263 (no premium numbers)
 14086¢ Stone Mountain Memorial 32246 0.25 (VF)
 14086¢ Stone Mountain Memorial 32247 0.15 (VF, minor faults) 0.20 (F+) 0.25 (VF)
 14086¢ Stone Mountain Memorial 32248 0.30 (XF) 0.25 (VF+, VLH)
 14086¢ Stone Mountain Memorial 32256 0.30 (XF) 0.25 (VF)
 14086¢ Stone Mountain Memorial 32259 0.22 (VF) 0.22 (VF)
 14086¢ Stone Mountain Memorial 32261 0.25 (VF)
 14086¢ Stone Mountain Memorial 32263 0.22 (VF)
 1410-36¢ Anti-Pollution, Strip of 5 32251-55 1.25 (VF+)
 1410-36¢ Anti-Pollution, Strip of 5 32281-85 1.00 (VF)
 14146¢ Nativity, Strip of 4 31939-31940-31941-32332 0.85 (VF+)
 1414a6¢ Nativity, pre-cancel, Strip of 4 32150-51-52-53-54 0.75 (F+)
 1415-86¢ Christmas Toys 31907-32145-32146-32147 1.10 (VF+/XF)
 14196¢ UN 25th Anniv. 32299 0.20 (VF) 0.15 (F++)
 14196¢ UN 25th Anniv. 32300 0.30 (XF)
 14196¢ UN 25th Anniv. 32303 0.20 (VF) 0.20 (VF+, LH)
 14196¢ UN 25th Anniv. 32306 0.25 (VF+) 0.20 (VF)
 14196¢ UN 25th Anniv. 32308 0.25 (VF+)
 14196¢ UN 25th Anniv. 32310 0.25 (VF+)
 14196¢ UN 25th Anniv. 32316 0.25 (VF+)
 14196¢ UN 25th Anniv. 32317 0.20 (VF) 0.20 (VF)
 14206¢ Landing of the Pilgrims 32264 0.20 (VF)
 14206¢ Landing of the Pilgrims 32269 0.20 (VF)
 14206¢ Landing of the Pilgrims 32271 0.20 (VF)
 14206¢ Landing of the Pilgrims 32272 0.15 (F+) 0.20 (VF)
 14206¢ Landing of the Pilgrims 32279 0.20 (VF, GD)
 14206¢ Landing of the Pilgrims 32287 0.15 (F)
 1421-26¢ DAV / Servicemen 32409 0.25 (VF)
1423  8 #s =   32478, 32485, 32492, 32501, 32516, 32523, 32539, 32541 (no premium numbers)
 14236¢ America's Wool 32478 0.15 (F+, LH)
 14236¢ America's Wool 32485 0.20 (F+) 0.30 (VF+) 0.25 (VF)
 14236¢ America's Wool 32501 0.40 (XF) 0.20 (F+)
 14236¢ America's Wool 32516 0.20 (F+) 0.15 (VF, faults)
 14236¢ America's Wool 32539 0.15 (F)
 14236¢ America's Wool 32541 0.30 (VF+) 0.30 (VF+)
 14246¢ Douglas MacArthur 32301 0.30 (VF+) 0.15 (F+)
 14246¢ Douglas MacArthur 32304 0.25 (VF) 0.35 (XF)
 14246¢ Douglas MacArthur 32307 0.12 (F)
 14246¢ Douglas MacArthur 32319 0.30 (VF+)
 14246¢ Douglas MacArthur 32328
 14246¢ Douglas MacArthur 32340 0.12 (VF, faults) 0.25 (VF)
 14246¢ Douglas MacArthur 32347 0.15 (F+)
1425  8 #s =   32590, 32603, 32617, 32632, 32645, 32661, 32674, 32687 (no premium numbers)
 14256¢ Donate Blood 32603 .30 (VF+) .15 (F+, LH)
 14256¢ Donate Blood 32617 .20 (F+) .30 (VF+)
 14256¢ Donate Blood 32632 .25 (VF) .25 (VF)
 14256¢ Donate Blood 32661 .30 (VF+)
 14256¢ Donate Blood 32674 .25 (VF)
 14256¢ Donate Blood 32687 .25 (VF)
1427-30  10 #s =   33032, 33039, 33045, 33048, 33050, 33056, 33060, 33062, 33080, 33083 (no premium numbers)
 1427-308¢ Wildlife Conservation 33032 0.25 (VF)
 1427-308¢ Wildlife Conservation 33039 0.25 (XF, v.minor fault)
 1427-308¢ Wildlife Conservation 33045 0.15 (VF, v.minor fault)
 1427-308¢ Wildlife Conservation 33056 0.25 (VF) 0.20 (VF, v.minor fault)
 1427-308¢ Wildlife Conservation 33080 0.25 (VF)
 1427-308¢ Wildlife Conservation 33083 0.25 (VF) 0.25 (VF) 0.25 (VF)
1431  9 #s =   32940, 32947, 32954, 32955, 32963, 32969, 32976, 32978, 33014 (no premium numbers)
 14318¢ Antarctic Treaty 32947 0.30 (VF+) 0.25 (VF)
 14318¢ Antarctic Treaty 32954 0.25 (VF) 0.30 (VF+)
 14318¢ Antarctic Treaty 32955 0.30 (VF+)
 14318¢ Antarctic Treaty 32963 0.30 (VF+)
 14318¢ Antarctic Treaty 32969 0.25 (VF)
 14328¢ Am. Revolution Bicentennial 33031 .30 (VF) .15 (F)
 14338¢ John Sloan 33102 .30 (VF)
 14368¢ Emily Dickinson 33171 .15 (F) .15 (F)
 14368¢ Emily Dickinson 33174 .30 (VF+)
 14378¢ San Juan 33222 .30 (VF)
 14388¢ Prevent Drug Abuse, strip of 3 33064-5-6 0.55 (VF+) 0.55 (VF+)
 14398¢ CARE, Strip of 4 33139-40-45-46 0.70 (VF)
 14398¢ CARE, Strip of 4 33143-4-5-6 0.70 (VF) 0.70 (VF)
1440-3  8 #s =   33233, 33234, 33235, 33236, 33237, 33238, 33239, 33247 (no premium numbers)
 1440-38¢ Historic Preservation 33233 0.20 (VF) 0.20 (VF)
 1440-38¢ Historic Preservation 33234 0.30 (VF+) 0.20 (VF) 0.30 (VF+)
 1440-38¢ Historic Preservation 33237 0.30 (VF+) 0.30 (VF+)
 1440-38¢ Historic Preservation 33238 0.20 (VF) 0.40 (XF)
 1440-38¢ Historic Preservation 33239 0.30 (VF+)
 1440-38¢ Historic Preservation 33247 0.30 (VF+)
 14448¢ Christmas Nativity, Strip of 6 33178-79-80-81-82-83 0.90 (VF+, H in margin)
 14458¢ Christmas Partridge, strip of 6 33106-07-08-09-33110-33111 0.80 (VF)
 14458¢ Christmas Partridge, strip of 6 33118-19-20-21-22-23 0.80 (VF)
USED Plate Number Singles Plate# UL UR LL LR
 13065¢ Migratory Bird Treaty (att'd pair) 28402-28408 0.15 (F+, lt/med '1976' cancel)
 13125¢ Bill of Rights, att'd pair 28610-28593 0.10 (F, lt. period cancel)
 1331-25¢ Gemini Capsule and Astronaut (pair) 29322 1.10 (VF)
 13255¢ Erie Canal 29008 0.20 (VF)
 13866¢ William Harnett 31512 0.15 (VF)

Plt. No. Singles Pages

#264 – 802 Page 1
#803 – 1029 Page 2
#1030 – 1276 Page 3
#1278 – 1445 YOU ARE HERE!
#1446 – 2512 Page 5
#2513 – 4845 Page 6
#4846 – present Page 7
Airmail + BoB Page 11
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US Singles Plate #
Zip Blocks
& Singles
2023 Issues
Used US Topicals Ordering 2024 Issues

PREMIUM (difficult to find) plate numbers are listed in RED

AVG = average centering, perfs touch image, priced well below catalog value
F = fine centering
GD = gum disturbance (minor)
H = hinged (moderate)
LH = lightly hinged
OG = original gum (some disturbance to gum, usually means natural gum skips)
PP = plate position diagram
VF = very fine centering
VLH = very lightly hinged
XF = extra fine (virtually perfect centering)